Progress in all business areas
Borregaard’s operating revenues reached NOK 1,110 million (NOK 1,034 million)1 in the 4th quarter of 2016. EBITA adjusted2 increased to NOK 160 million (NOK 101 million). Compared with the 4th quarter of 2015, all business areas improved their EBITA adjusted. Currency contributed to higher results.
Performance Chemicals increased EBITA adjusted, mainly due to positive currency effects and an improved product mix. Weaker demand and increased price competition in the construction sector were offset by higher sales of speciality products. The improvement in Speciality Cellulose was mainly due to higher sales volume and currency effects. Other Businesses improved results primarily due to higher sales in the Fine Chemicals business and reduc...
All-time high result for the group
Borregaard’s operating revenues were NOK 1,167 million (NOK 1,054 million)1 in the 2nd quarter of 2016. EBITA adjusted2 increased to NOK 200 million (NOK 131 million), an all-time high quarterly result.
Compared with the 2nd quarter of 2015, all business areas improved their EBITA adj. Currency, including hedging effects, contributed positively by approximately NOK 75 million, benefitting all business areas. Energy conservation measures contributed to lower production costs at the Sarpsborg site.
Performance Chemicals achieved an all-time high quarterly EBITA adjusted level as positive currency effects and an increased sales volume more than off-set a weaker product mix and slightly lower prices in sales currency. The progress in Speci...
All-time high result
Borregaard’s operating revenues reached NOK 1,113 million (NOK 1,007 million)¹ in the 1st quarter of 2016. EBITA² increased to NOK 171 million (NOK 105 million), an all-time high quarterly result.
Performance Chemicals and Specialty Cellulose both improved their EBITA, while there was a decline in Other Businesses. Currency contributed positively in all business areas. Raw material, energy and other costs were stable. Production and sales from the Sarpsborg site were slightly lower than in the 1st quarter of 2015 as a result of the silo fire incident in October 2015, but the EBITA impact was limited due to insurance coverage.
Performance Chemicals achieved an all-time high quarterly EBITA due to favourable currency effects. The acquired...
Strong result in performance chemicals and favourable currency effects
Borregaard’s operating revenues increased to NOK 1,034 million (NOK 951 million)¹ in the 4th quarter of 2015. EBITA² was NOK 101 million (NOK 92 million).
There was an improvement in Performance Chemicals and Other Businesses, while Specialty Cellulose was somewhat weaker. Currency developments contributed positively across all business areas, but the impact was partly delayed by hedging.
EBITA in Performance Chemicals increased as a lower sales volume was more than offset by a positive currency impact. Weaker demand and increased price competition in the construction sector led to lower sales in some regions. The new Flambeau lignin volume has been included in the reported figures from 23 October 2015. The decline in Specialty Cellulos...
All-time high result for performance chemicals
Borregaard’s operating revenues totalled NOK 1,054 million (NOK 993 million)1 in the 2nd quarter of 2015. EBITA2 was NOK 131 million (NOK 130 million).
Performance Chemicals improved its EBITA, while there was a decline in Specialty Cellulose and Other Businesses. In total, costs were stable in local currencies. Currency developments, including negative hedging effects, contributed positively by approximately NOK 50 million. Hedging effects were NOK -54 million in the 2nd quarter.
EBITA in Performance Chemicals increased to an all-time high as positive currency effects, product mix and higher sales prices more than compensated for lower raw material supply. The reduction in Specialty Cellulose was mainly due to lower sales prices, a wea...
Sustainable Development Goals
How we contribute to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
Why MFC show potential in cosmetic applications
Over the last several years consumers have become more and more aware of the environmental impact of cosmetic products. Indeed cosmetic products end up down the drain and in the water system after a shower. The trend today is, therefore, to use natural raw materials to replace synthetic ingredients and reduce the environmental impact.
Cellulose Fibrils
Sustainable Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC) that improves rheology and stability and provides strength and barrier properties.
Location: /product-areas/cellulose-fibrils/
What is the effect of MFC on emulsion stability?
The saying, "Oil and water don’t mix" is not completely accurate as oil and water can be mixed as an emulsion.
What is the effect of MFC on emulsion stability
The saying, "Oil and water don’t mix" is not completely accurate as oil and water can be mixed as an emulsion.
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