
Q4 2016 Presentation

O s l o , 1 0 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 7 4 T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 1 6 Agenda • Per A Sørlie, President & CEO • Highlights • Proposed dividend • Business areas • Outlook • Per Bjarne Lyngstad, CFO • Fin...

Attachment 3 BAS 2016 Årrsrapport Og Regnskap Signert

BORREGAARD AS Årsberetning og årsregnskap for 2016 !!ID Borregaard INNHOLD Årsberetning Side 1 Årsregnskap Resultatregnskap Balanse Kontantstrømoppstilling Egenkapitaloppstilling Noter...

4Th Quarter 2019 Presentation

O s l o , 5 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 4 TH Q U A R T E R 2 0 1 9 Agenda • Per A Sørlie, President & CEO • Highlights • Proposed dividend • Business areas • Strategic projects update • Sustainability...

GF 2018 Presentasjon

S a r p s b o r g , 1 2 . a p r i l 2 0 1 8 O R D I N Æ R G E N E R A L F O RS A M L I N G INTERPRETATION TO ENGLISH • Borregaard’s General Meeting is conducted in Norwegian language. • An oral, s...

GF 2016 Presentasjon

O s l o , 1 3 . a p r i l 2 0 1 6 O R D I N Æ R G E N E R A L F O RS A M L I N G INTERPRETATION TO ENGLISH • Borregaard’s General Meeting is conducted in Norwegian language. • An oral, simultaneou...

Borregaard General Presentation October 2022

Business model, businesses & strategy October 2022 Important notice This presentation is being made only to, and is only directed at, persons to whom such presentation may lawfully be communicated...

Borregaard General Presentation February 2023

Business model, businesses & strategy February 2023 Important notice This presentation is being made only to, and is only directed at, persons to whom such presentation may lawfully be communicated...

Borregaard General Presentation May 2023

Business model, businesses & strategy May 2023 Important notice This presentation is being made only to, and is only directed at, persons to whom such presentation may lawfully be communicated (’re...

Borregaard General Presentation July 2023

Business model, businesses & strategy July 2023 Important notice This presentation is being made only to, and is only directed at, persons to whom such presentation may lawfully be communicated (’r...

Borregaard General Presentation October 2023

Business model, businesses & strategy October 2023 Important notice This presentation is being made only to, and is only directed at, persons to whom such presentation may lawfully be communicated...

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