The H2020 Exilva Project Final Event

The Exilva project is Borregaard’s set-up and running of the first industrial scale plant for producing Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) in addition to develop advance market segments for the use of this product. It is funded under the BBI JU program of EUs Horizon 2020 effort.

"Developing a new value chain from wood to bio-based products. Challenges and lessons learned."

The main goal for the Exilva project is to establish a successful operation of the novel plant, and to develop the advanced market segments to secure a commercial success. The project has members from 5 different countries in Europe and has its project period from May 1st 2016 to April 30th 2020.

The project support phase has now come to an end, and will be summarized in this event.  

Agenda highlights

  • Project introduction
  • Market challenges and customer feedback
  • Technical characterization of MFC
  • Panel discussion
  • Development of MFC technology through research
  • Lunch and dinner 

Register today

Participation to the event is free of charge, however, please note that registration is required. The event is held Tuesday, April 21st 2020 at les Ateliers des Tanneurs in Brussels, Belgium. You fill find the event in room Halle Vitrée & Salons. 

Find the full agenda, a list of speakers and the registration form here:



Note: Due to Covid-19, the physical event was cancelled.