Purchase Orders

This is how you receive orders from Borregaard

‎Electronic:‎We use an electronic order- and order confirmation system.

Our PEPPOL ID: 0192:895623032 (the system can also be used for electronic invoices, please read more here.)

E-mail: We can also send purchase orders by e-mail. The sender is Borregaard AS and the order is attached as a PDF file.

Confirmation for received orders shall be sent to us within 48 hours to orderconfirmation@borregaard.com

Invoices sent to Borregaard must always contain our order number as a reference.

Do you have a web shop we can order from?

Borregaard can utilise punch-out solutions. We collaborate with several of our suppliers this way. A solution like this eliminates errors and gives both Borregaard and the supplier a more effective process.

Please contact vendor.master@borregaard.com for questions regarding purchase orders.