Responsible sourcing

Borregaard’s main objective is to provide sustainable products and solutions based on renewable raw materials and unique competence. Sustainability is therefore a core element in our business model and a natural part of our overall goals.

Our operations have economic, social and environmental impact on our stakeholders. Borregaard has identified five main areas for the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Suppliers and Business Partners is one of those areas. Both our main objective and our CSR policy necessitates a proactive responsible sourcing policy and direct supplier engagement on CSR, climate, environment, health and safety.

Borregaard defines responsible sourcing as conducting purchases in a way which allows the company to identify the risk of violations of human and workers' rights, environmental legislation or anti-corruption legislation in the company’s supply chain. Where such violations are discovered, we will initiate actions towards the supplier.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) describes our supplier requirements related to human rights, work standards, the environment and business practices. The SCoC should be communicated to all suppliers, with a particular focus on high risk-suppliers. Suppliers should be encouraged to present the same type of requirements to their own suppliers.

Read more about our responsible sourcing policy here.