A sustainable pellet binder for aquafeeds

Intact Aqua™ is a new, environmentally friendly pellet binder that has been formulated especially for the aquafeed industry. The product can replace synthetic binders like PMC/urea formaldehyde in different types of aquafeeds, without compromising on water stability.

One of the main challenges for a shrimp feed producer is to reach the desired conditioning temperature, which is essential to fully utilise the binding properties of the natural components. Intact Aqua allows production at a higher temperature (e.g. 105°C) without compromising valuable key nutrients and process equipment.

Furthermore, Intact Aqua enables more stable operating conditions, with fewer blockages and a more constant resistance in the die, which lead to less variation and reduced amount of fines in the finished product.

Intact Aqua has only 30% of the climate change impact compared with a reference PMC binder, making it a more sustainable choice for your operations.

Intact Aqua should be used at the same inclusion rate as synthetic binders.


  • Optimum water stability
  • A sustainable alternative to PMC/synthetic binders
  • Possible to produce pellets at higher temperatures
  • Low inclusion rate (from 0.3%)
  • Stable operating conditions
  • Reduced energy consumption and/or higher production rate
  • Cost-effective


Intact Aqua improves water stability and production efficiency

This pelleting demonstration on a shrimp feed in Latin America shows how Intact Aqua improved pellet water stability and production efficiency compared to a synthetic binder.

More on pelleting aids