Pelleting aids for better quality and increased throughput
Borregaard extracts lignin, a very effective binder for animal feed pellets, from sustainably managed forests. Since 1963 we have helped feed producers improve their pellet quality by continuously enhancing the performance of our products and our pelleting expertise. We also operate our own pilot pellet mills (see video).
Our pellet binders and lubricating aids offer a wide range of benefits, such as:
- Improved and more consistent pellet durability
- Improved feed mill profitability
- Increased production rates
- Reduced energy consumption
- Reduction of die chokes
- Enabling the use of hard running ingredients
- Improved performance on mineral feeds
- Protection of heat-sensitive ingredients
Most of these benefits also apply to the production of wood pellets and pelleting of other types of biomass.
NEWS! Borregaard ensures the approval of lignosulfonates for use in animal feed within Europe
Watch the video below to learn how our pelleting aids contribute at the various stages of the pelleting process.
Our products
PellTech® is a truly unique product that combines die lubrication and pellet binding.
LignoBond® improves the durability and hardness of your pellets, cubes and wafers.
Ameri-Bond 2X
Ameri-Bond® 2X is simply the most effective and versatile pelleting aid in North America.
Pelhesion™ helps you enhance pellet quality at minimum inclusion rate levels.
Intact Aqua
Intact Aqua™ is a sustainable pellet binder for shrimp feed and other types of aquafeeds.
More on pelleting
Your guide to pelleting
Pelleting is converting mash feed into dense pellets. Learn its history, process and key ingredients.
Testing pellet quality
Borregaard recommends the Holmen pellet tester for prediction of pellet degradation during transport.
Segregation of fines
Learn how segregation of fines can result in nutritional imbalances and reduced feed efficiency.
Importance of pellet quality
Quality pellets boost bird growth, reduce eating time, prevent segregation, and ensure nutrition.
Feed pellet quality factor (FPQF)
FPQF assesses raw materials’ impact on pellet quality, guiding formulation adjustments.
How different types of starch can influence pelleting
Starch types affect pelleting: explore nutritional and technological impacts.