Borregaard offers environmentally friendly co-formulants for improved rainfastness and enhanced active ingredient uptake.
Exilva®, our bio-based in-can and tank-mix adjuvant, is a sustainable alternative to synthetic chemistry that contributes to crop protection formulations with a lower CO2 footprint and less toxicity. Exilva is a microfibrillated cellulose, biodegradable product derived from sustainably managed forests.
Benefits offered:
- Enhanced active ingredient uptake
- Better rainfastness
- Improved overall efficacy
Performance data
Exilva – uptake enhancer of fungicide propiconazole
Work performed by an external research institute shows how Exilva boosts the uptake of a fungicide in a greenhouse study.
Exilva – uptake enhancer of herbicide in greenhouse
Work performed by an external adjuvant expert company shows how Exilva boosts the uptake of the herbicide glyphosate in a greenhouse study.
Exilva – uptake enhancer of herbicide in cornfield
Field trials show that using Exilva together with glyphosate and with glufosinate boost the effect of the herbicides in a cornfield in iowa.
Exilva – rainfastness enhancer
Laboratory tests demonstrate the benefits of using Exilva as an in-can or tank mix additive for improving rainfastness of pesticides.
More on crop protection
Trends towards more sustainable crop protection
Traditional chemical methods for protecting crops have a significant environmental impact. sustainable solutions are becoming more popular.
Sustainable agriculture
Borregaard is a leading supplier of sustainable solutions to the agricultural industry. our products are based on microfibrillar cellulose, vanillin and lignin.